By Brand
By Price
Learning to Assess students? mathematics: pre-service education: RESEARCH WORK
Learning to Assess students? mathematics: pre-service education: RESEARCH WORK
MPN: 254325995
Reconceptualizing Early Mathematics Learning
Reconceptualizing Early Mathematics Learning
MPN: 23365001
Learning Resources Math Marks the Spot Floor Game
"Roll soft foam number and operations cubes for fun in this educational children's Math Marks the Spot Floor Game. Your students can race to find the answer on the oversize number mat. Designed for younger students, this is the ideal choice for drawing in and catching the attention of children who dislike or have trouble with math. Your pupils can place their game markers on the answer or touch the answer for greater tactile-kinesthetic learning. This provides a well-rounded experience that touches on ...
MPN: 17195794
Inquiry-based Learning for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Stem Programs: A Conceptual and Practical Resource for Educators
Inquiry-Based Learning for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (Stem) Programs: A Conceptual and Practical Resource for Educators
MPN: 45434253
Masterclass in Mathematics Education
Masterclass in Mathematics Education: International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning
MPN: 28317630
Interdisciplinarity, Creativity, and Learning: Mathematics with Literature, Paradoxes, History, Technology, and Modeling (He
Interdisciplinarity, Creativity, And Learning
MPN: 11034443
Multiple Perspectives On Mathematics Teaching And Learning, Vol. 1
Multiple Perspectives On Mathematics Teaching And Learning, Vol. 1
MPN: 34413599
Learning Through Teaching Mathematics: Development of Teachers' Knowledge and Expertise in Practice
Learning Through Teaching Mathematics: Development of Teachers' Knowledge and Expertise in P...
MPN: 13254048
Teaching with Tasks for Effective Mathematics Learning
Teaching with Tasks for Effective Mathematics Learning 9 by Peter Sullivan,...
MPN: 52919593
Learning Resources Math Mat Challenge Game
Get students thinking on their feet with this math mat game. Interactive, talking floor mat challenges students to listen to the equation, do the math, and then step on the correct answer. As students respond, they learn how to shift their weight, balance and coordinate their movements to tap on the desired answer. As scores get higher, the game gets faster to add to the excitement. Three game types with two skill levels reinforce numbers and counting, addition and subtraction up to the number 20. Battery-o...
MPN: 15381926
Digital Games and Mathematics Learning
Details Coming Soon
MPN: 43293507
Mathematics Education for a New Era
Details Coming Soon
MPN: 15569090