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A History of the Book in America: Volume 1, the Colonial Book in the Atlantic World
"A History of the Book in America: Volume 1, the Colonial Book in the Atlantic World""Three major themes run through the volume: the persisting connections between the book trade in the Old World and the New; the gradual emergence of a competitive book trade in which newspapers were the largest form of production; and the institution of a ""culture of the World, "" organized around an essentially theological understanding of print, authorship, and reading, complemented by ...
MPN: 32726063
An Age of Extremes Elementary Grades Teaching Guide, a History of Us: Teaching Guide Pairs with a History of Us: Book Eight
An Age of Extremes: Elementary Grades Teaching Guide, a History of Us Book 8
MPN: 53326253
The History of the Legal Deposit of Books
The History of the Legal Deposit of Books
MPN: 13926294
Killer History: Why Do They Leave All the Fun Stuff Out of the History Books
Killer History: Why Do They Leave All the Fun Stuff Out of the History Books
MPN: 53397757
In Search of History: 1066-1485 (Paperback)
In Search of History: 1066-1485...
MPN: 943835996
The Dog Book: A Popular History of the Dog [.]....
The Dog Book
MPN: 53540770
Outlines & Highlights for Cengage Advantage Books: A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Volume II by Mary Beth Norton
Outlines & Highlights for A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Volume II b...
MPN: 17737566
The Cultural History of the Book of Mormon: Volume 2: Voicing the Ism
The Cultural History of the Book of Mormon: Volume 2: Voicing the Ism
MPN: 53099843
The Texas Book: Profiles, History, and Reminiscences of the University
The Texas Book: Profiles, History, and Reminiscences of the University
MPN: 23368938
Source Book of Medical History
Source Book of Medical History...
MPN: 32166862
The First Peoples of Ohio and Indiana: Native American History Resource Book
The First Peoples of Ohio and Indiana: Native American History Resource Book
MPN: 29714805
An American Bible: A History of the Good Book in the United States, 1777-1880
An American Bible: A History of the Good Book in the United States, 1777-1880
MPN: 52851503