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Cultivating a Culture of Learning : Contemplative Practices, Pedagogy, and Research in Education
Find Books at! Cultivating a Culture of Learning : Contemplative Practices, Pedagogy, and Research in Education
MPN: product_1444_53064914
Learning from Difference : Comparative Accounts of Multicultural Education (Hardcover)
Find Books at! Learning from Difference : Comparative Accounts of Multicultural Education (Hardcover)
MPN: product_1444_51240365
Online Learning and Its Users : Lessons for Higher Education (Paperback) (Claire Mcavinia)
Find Books at! Online Learning and Its Users : Lessons for Higher Education (Paperback) (Claire Mcavinia)
MPN: product_1444_51214358
Digital Technologies and Learning in Physical Education : Pedagogical Cases (Hardcover)
Find Books at! Digital Technologies and Learning in Physical Education : Pedagogical Cases (Hardcover)
MPN: product_1444_51751616
Service Learning in Psychology : Enhancing Undergraduate Education for the Public Good (Hardcover)
Find Books at! Service Learning in Psychology : Enhancing Undergraduate Education for the Public Good (Hardcover)
MPN: product_1444_50257761
Transactional Distance and Adaptive Learning : Planning for the Future of Higher Education (Paperback)
Find Books at! Transactional Distance and Adaptive Learning : Planning for the Future of Higher Education (Paperback)
MPN: product_1444_53123827
Christian Academic in Higher Education : The Consecration of Learning (Hardcover) (John Sullivan)
Find Books at! Christian Academic in Higher Education : The Consecration of Learning (Hardcover) (John Sullivan)
MPN: product_1444_53396072
On Education, Formation, Citizenship and the Lost Purpose of Learning (Hardcover) (Joseph Clair)
Find Books at! On Education, Formation, Citizenship and the Lost Purpose of Learning (Hardcover) (Joseph Clair)
MPN: product_1444_53065097
Adult Learning and Education in International Contexts : Future Challenges for Its Professionalization:
Find Books at! Adult Learning and Education in International Contexts : Future Challenges for Its Professionalization:
MPN: product_1444_52778934
Placements and Work-based Learning in Education Studies : An Introduction for Students (Hardcover) (Jim
Find Books at! Placements and Work-based Learning in Education Studies : An Introduction for Students (Hardcover) (Jim
MPN: product_1444_51532398
Great Myths of Education and Learning (Paperback) (Jeffrey D. Holmes)
Find Books at! Great Myths of Education and Learning (Paperback) (Jeffrey D. Holmes)
MPN: product_1444_51402668
Adult Education and Lifelong Learning in Europe and Beyond : Comparative Perspectives from the 2015
Find Books at! Adult Education and Lifelong Learning in Europe and Beyond : Comparative Perspectives from the 2015
MPN: product_1444_50687476