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Compare the best prices for Dress Up Masks, featuring brands such as PJ Masks, Melissa & Doug and Learning Resources for price comparison


  • Authentic Freddy Krueger Collectors Mask

    Authentic Freddy Krueger Collector's Mask

    Step aside Jason, Freddy Krueger is in the building! When it comes to deranged movie killers, Freddy definitely takes the cake. Sure, Jason Voorhees is pretty frightening wearing the infamous hockey mask and carrying a machete dripping with blood. Michael Myers is also equally terrifying in his featureless white mask and entirely evil soul, but no one terrorizes and mutilates a group of unsuspecting teenagers quite like Freddy. Okay, maybe his choice of sweaters and gloves are a tad bit questionable, but hi...

    MPN: 9b30b6f9638083e46e2b3e15a0bca316

    SOLD BY Fun.com US Dollars$499.99 View Details