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Dalbello Sports Il Moro Team I.D. Ski Boot Sublimation, 24.5
What happens when you take a gaggle of the best skiers in the world, stick them in a lab with R&D engineers, and tell them to come up with a boot? That Dalbello Il Moro Team I. D. Men's Ski Boot, that's what. Designed to help Dalbello's team riders (guys like Tanner Hall, Russ Henshaw, and Nick Goepper) jib the bejesus out of the mountain and scare the crap out of themselves in the park, the Il Moro is a seriously sick combination of freeride charger and progressive park crusher.This masterpiece starts ...
MPN: 878723a99d64088e26d5174a6c59b6c3
Dalbello Sports Il Moro Team I.D. Ski Boot
What happens when you take a gaggle of the best skiers in the world, stick them in a lab with R&D engineers, and tell them to come up with a boot? That Dalbello Il Moro Team I. D. Men's Ski Boot, that's what. Designed to help Dalbello's team riders (guys like Tanner Hall, Russ Henshaw, and Nick Goepper) jib the bejesus out of the mountain and scare the crap out of themselves in the park, the Il Moro is a seriously sick combination of freeride charger and progressive park crusher. This masterpiece starts...
MPN: c38e1dcd44ffb9409289992dee05411e