Academic Superstore
Compare the best Academic Superstore prices on PriceReel. Featuring the Games from top brands such as Big Fish Games
50 Quick and Easy Reading & Writing Computer Activities (2nd Edition)
50 Quick and Easy Reading and Writing Computer Activities is designed to equip teachers with an array of technology tools that can promote the development of reading, writing, and critical thinking. Using these tools, educators can transform reading and writing from static, print based exercises into multi sensory, interactive experiences. Grades K 12. Cool Web Tools: Provides a web page of links and takes participants on a quick tour of some of the powerful, interactive websites available for language arts...
MPN: 3823296f4c254dd47b6a3c6d687dbec7
50 Quick and Easy Math Computer Activities
50 Quick and Easy Math Computer Activities Math provides activities aligned to NCTM standards. Enliven, enhance, and update your math lessons by integrating the resources and tools found on the the Internet and on the classroom computer. This book is full of fascinating ideas and resources that will inspire both teachers and students. Includes Tips and Shortcuts: A quick reference for Microsoft Excel basics and PowerPoint tips. Web resource categories include: Algebra Data and Probability General Math Geome...
MPN: 6497a99fdeed66ffbc3173797b0a8b4c
50 Quick and Easy Science Computer Activities
50 Quick and Easy Science Computer Activities Enliven, enhance, and update your science lessons by integrating the resources and tools found on the Internet and on the classroom computer. Are you looking for new and creative ways to use the computer in your classroom or science lab? This book is packed full of clever ideas for quick and easy to create projects that integrate technology into all areas of the elementary curriculum. You'll be amazed at how these simple activities will excite your students whil...
MPN: 2b9a1cee49ab9726fa46e1e32a02f36f
Art Across the Curriculum: Computer Activities
Art Across the Curriculum helps the K 8 teacher integrate art and technology into the classroom. These unique and easy to use lesson plans expand and enrich the subjects educators are already teaching using standard programs such as Microsoft Excel, Word and PowerPoint. Learn to integrate Celtic Knotwork into your study of the Irish Potato Famine, Kandinsky's paintings into a music lesson, mosaics into a geography unit and much more! Whether your classroom has two computers or ten, whether you have a closet...
MPN: 0f4fcee22d9078f8be6c4913f5f7e731
50 Quick & Easy Computer Activities for Little Folks for Mac,Win
Grades K 2 Aligned with NCTE standards. Enliven, enhance, and update your lessons by integrating the resources and tools found on the Internet and on the classroom computer. This book is full of fascinating ideas and resources that will inspire both teachers and students. Includes Tips and Shortcuts A quick reference for Microsoft Excel basics and PowerPoint tips. Includes instructions for Microsoft Office 2007. CD contains Web resources and example files from PowerPoint, Excel, Inspiration and Kidspiration...
MPN: 7e131de1f228fbfc1f41028992f8b0ef
iLearn iTeach STEM Life Science Apps for iPad
Use the iPad to engage, teach, explore, innovate and create. Powerful utilities for students, teachers administrators, and everyone. Make your iPad an effective replacement for the laptop or desktop. iLearn iTeach STEM Life Science Apps for iPad includes Biology and Health content areas. Explore Biology Apps 3D Cell Simulation and Stain Tool Amazing Human Body Biology Experiments Brain Tutor 3D Circulatory System Digestion System Frog Dissection 3D Insects and Spiders Khan Academy Biology 1, 2, 3 Leonardo d...
MPN: 16b7e038979606f79f32a05e0d0f03fb
TI Nspire Navigator Classroom Learning System (30 User)
TI Nspire Navigator is a completely wireless classroom learning system that is designed to help math and science educators. Increasing student engagement by having individual students present their handhelp screen anytime from anywhere in the room. Instantly asses each student s understanding by seeing the handheld screens on an ongoing basis to determine their progress. Maximize efficiencies of classroom learning time by transferring files to the whole class at once wirelessly! Collect, save, grade and rec...
MPN: 45e5341acd03a417b6eb0aab9bdc12ee
TI Nspire Navigator Classroom Learning System (5 User Add-On)
TI Nspire Navigator is a completely wireless classroom learning system that is designed to help math and science educators. Increasing student engagement by having individual students present their handhelp screen anytime from anywhere in the room. Instantly asses each student s understanding by seeing the handheld screens on an ongoing basis to determine their progress. Maximize efficiencies of classroom learning time by transferring files to the whole class at once wirelessly! Collect, save, grade and rec...
MPN: 0665538a255a01750517040ebacef7ad
Core Reading with Jazzles Easiteach Lessons - Site License for RM Hardware for Mac,Win
The Core Reading with Jazzles program is a comprehensive literacy development program for young children, ESL, and special needs students. The multi sensory approach, incorporating visual, auditory, and kinetic activities engages language learners and adapts to a wide range of learning needs. The program supports vocabulary development for over 1000 words representing about 75% of English language words in the most high fluency and sight word lists. However, this is more than a mere vocabulary program - it ...
MPN: d60812b6b91c36e82655219ca7d454a8
Grades 3 - 5 Literacy & Writing Interactive Review Question CD (Site License)
Standards Based, Interactive Review Cards are Perfect for Review and Assessment Prep! Includes 750 interactive review cards, providing comprehensive coverage of the current national curriculum standards. Perfect for use in review and assessment preparation by an individual student or for use on an Interactive Whiteboard with the entire class. Compatible with either Windows or Mac. Complete curriculum coverage of the following standards based topics Author's Point of View Cause/Effect, Fact/Opinion Coherent ...
MPN: 09a22568ffb5a2d31c6062c14dc8c5fe
50 Quick and Easy Reading & Writing Computer Activities (2nd Edition)
50 Quick and Easy Reading and Writing Computer Activities is designed to equip teachers with an array of technology tools that can promote the development of reading, writing, and critical thinking. Using these tools, educators can transform reading and writing from static, print based exercises into multi sensory, interactive experiences. Grades K 12. Cool Web Tools: Provides a web page of links and takes participants on a quick tour of some of the powerful, interactive websites available for language arts...
MPN: 3823296f4c254dd47b6a3c6d687dbec7
iLearn iTeach STEM Earth Science Apps for iPad
First in a series of books focusing on STEM Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. iLearn iTeach STEM Earth Science Apps for iPad contains apps for the General Science and Earth Science (Astronomy, Geology and Meteorology) content areas. General Science Learn with Khan Academy Review vocabulary Experience lab experiments Review with video Earth Science: Astronomy The Sun's activities Our solar system Location of satellites Images of Mars Images of Mars Moon's Phases Photos from NASA Stars and planets E...
MPN: 504a39acc396cd37496b0e0870f7c2c7